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Honor 榮譽 


1. 企劃之兒童教育平板 Kizpad (,榮獲 2016 年經濟部數位內容產品獎冠軍。
2. 帶領輔英科技大學幼兒保育暨產業系學生獲得教育部區域產學合作中心 嬰幼兒潛能暨創意教遊具設計大賽的決賽,獲得佳作。
3. 「幼兒數位遊戲理論與實務」獲得107年第一學期「問題導向學習PBL教學獎勵」
4. 「數位教材編輯與製作」獲得107年第二學期「問題導向學習PBL教學獎勵」
5. 「幼兒數位遊戲理論與實務」獲得108年第一學期「創新教學獎勵」
6. 「兒童數位繪本編輯與探討」獲得108年第一學期「問題導向學習PBL教學獎勵」
7. 「數位教材編輯與製作」獲得108年第二學期「創新教學獎勵」
8. 「學習型玩具設計與探究」獲得108年第二學期「問題導向學習PBL教學獎勵」
9. 「數位設計編輯與實務」獲得109年第一學期「遠距教學數位教材製作申請補助」
10. 「數位設計編輯與實務」獲得109年第一學期「數位教學獎」
11. 「幼兒數位遊戲理論與實務」獲得109年第二學期「問題導向學習PBL教學獎勵」
12. 「數位設計編輯與實務」獲得109年第二學期「數位教學獎」

13. 「數位教材編輯與製作」獲得110年第一學期「創新教學獎勵 (PBL課程)」

14. 「數位設計編輯與實務」獲得110年第一學期「數位教學獎勵 (磨課師)」

15. 「學習型玩具設計與探究」獲得110年第二學期「問題導向學習PBL教學獎勵」

16. 「電影與性別議題」獲得110年第二學期「EMI教學獎勵」

17. 「兒童數位繪本編輯與探討」獲得111年第一學期「創新教學獎勵 (PBL課程)」

18.  榮獲111學年度應用科技學院教學優良獎。

19.  榮獲111學年度國立台灣科技大學教學優良獎。

20. 「數位教材編輯與製作」獲得111年第二學期「創新教學獎勵 (PBL課程)」

21. 「兒童數位繪本編輯與探討」獲得112年第一學期「創新教學獎勵 (PBL課程)」

22. 「數位教材編輯與製作」獲得112年第二學期「優化EMI教學技巧獎勵」

23. 「幼兒數位遊戲理論與實務」獲得112年第二學期「問題導向學習PBL教學獎勵」


1. Planned the children's educational tablet, Kizpad (, which won the 2016 Ministry of Economic Affairs Digital Content Product Award.
2. Lead the students from the Department of Early Childhood Care and Industry of Fuying University of Science and Technology to win the finals of the Infant Potential and Creative Educational Design Competition of the Ministry of Education's Regional Industry-University Cooperation Center, and won the masterpiece.
3. "Theory and Practice of Digital Games for Children" won the "Problem-Based Learning PBL Teaching Award" in the first semester of 2018
4. "Digital Instructional Materials Editing and Production" won the "Problem-Based Learning PBL Teaching Award" for the second semester of 2018
5. "Theory and Practice of Digital Games for Children" won the "Innovative Teaching Award" in the first semester of 2019
6. "Editing and Exploring of Children's Digital Picture Book" won the "Problem-Based Learning PBL Teaching Award" in the first semester of 2019
7. "Digital Instructional Materials Editing and Production" won the "Innovative Teaching Award" for the second semester of 2019
8. "Design and Exploration of Learning Toys" won the "Problem-Based Learning PBL Teaching Award" in the second semester of 2019
9. "Electronic Editing Design and Practice" won the "Distance Teaching Materials Grant" in the first semester of 2020
10. "Electronic Editing Design and Practice" won the "Digital Teaching Award" in the first semester of 2020
11. "Theory and Practice of Digital Games for Children" won the "Problem-Based Learning PBL Teaching Award" in the second semester of 2020
12. "Electronic Editing Design and Practice" won the "Digital Teaching Award" in the second semester of 2020

13. "Digital Instructional Materials Editing and Production" won the "Innovative Teaching Award (PBL curriculum)" for the first semester of 2021

14. "Electronic Editing Design and Practice" won the "Digital Teaching Award (MOOCs curriculum)" in the first semester of 2021

15. "Design and Exploration of Learning Toys" won the "Problem-Based Learning PBL Teaching Award" in the second semester of 2021

16. "Film and Gender Issues" won the "EMI Teaching Award" in the second semester of 2021

17. "Editing and Exploring of Children's Digital Picture Book" won the "Innovative Teaching Award (PBL curriculum)" in the first semester of 2022.

18.  Won the Teaching Excellence Award of the School of Applied Science and Technology for the 2022 academic year.

19.  Won the Teaching Excellence Award of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology for the 2022 academic year. 

20. "Digital Instructional Materials Editing and Production" won the "Innovative Teaching Award (PBL curriculum)" for the second semester of 2022.

21. "Editing and Exploring of Children's Digital Picture Book" won the "Innovative Teaching Award (PBL curriculum)" in the first semester of 2023.

22. "Digital Instructional Materials Editing and Production" won the "Optimizing EMI Teaching Skills Rewards" for the second semester of 2023.

23. "Theory and Practice of Digital Games for Children" won the "Problem-Based Learning PBL Teaching Award" in the second semester of 2023.

©2025 by 湯梓辰 教授 個人網站 Professor Tang, Joni T. personal website..

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